Dưới đây là các tổ chức phi chính phủ hoạ đồng tại VN
Select from the list to display the full listing for each organisation extracted from the current edition of the Viet Nam INGO Directory.
| A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y
A Academy for Educational Development ACTIONAID Adventist Development and Relief Agency Viet Nam Agricultural Development Denmark Asia Agronomes & Veterinaires Sans Frontieres Aid to Southeast Asia, Inc. Aida Association Allianz - Mission e. V. American Red Cross ANESVAD Foundation Asia Foundation, The Assemblies of God, The Association L'APPEL - aide au enfants victimes de conflits Atlantic Philanthropies Australian Foundation for the Peoples of Asia and the Pacific Australian People for Health, Education and Development Abroad Australian Volunteers International
B Blue Dragon Children�s Foundation Bread for the World / Brot fuer die Welt Bremen Overseas Research and Developmet Association Bridge Asia Japan Burn Survivors Throughout the World, Inc.
C CAMA Services Inc. / The Christian and Missionary Alliance Canadian Centre for International Studies and Cooperation / Centre Canadien d'Etude et de Cooperation Internationale CARE International in Viet Nam Caritas Switzerland Catalyst Foundation Catholic Relief Services Vietnam CBM International / Christoffel Blindenmission Center for Educational Exchange with Vietnam CHF - Partners in Rural Development ChildFund in Vietnam Children Action, Fondation pour la protection de l�Enfance et l�Action humanitaire Children of Peace International Children of Viet Nam Church World Service Churches of Christ Overseas Aid Clear Path International Codespa Foundation Compassion International Cooperazione e Sviluppo Council on International Educational Exchange Counterpart International
D Danish Red Cross Dansk Vietnamesisk Forening / Danish Vietnamese Association Development of Vietnam Endeavors Development Workshop Dillon International, Inc. DKT International
E East Meets West Foundation Eau Agriculture et Sante en Milieu Tropical / Water Agriculture and Health in Tropical Area Education for Development Enfants & Developpement Enfants du Monde/Droits de l'homme English Language Institute Environmental Development Action in the Third World
F Family Health International Family Planning International Assistance Finnish Vietnamese Friendship Association Fontana NGO Ford Foundation, The Foundation for International Development/Relief Foundation for Microprojects in Viet Nam Foundation Social Promotion of Culture / Fundacion Promocion Social de la Cultura Fred Hollows Foundation Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Friends of Hue Foundation Friendship Bridge, The Fund for Reconciliation and Development (FRD)
G Global Civic Sharing Groupe de Recherches et d'Echanges Technologiques
H Habitat for Humanity International in Viet Nam Handicap International Handicap International - Belgium Section Hands of Hope Hannahs Promise International Aid Health and Education Volunteers Heifer International (HPI) Helen Keller International Helvetas Holt International Children's Services Humanitarian Services for Children of Viet Nam
I INSA - ETEA Institute of International Education Interchurch Organisation for Development Cooperation International Development Enterprises International Life Sciences Institute Centre for Health Promotion of Japan International Marinelife Alliance (IMA) International Planned Parenthood Federation, East and South East Asia & Oceania Region International Trachoma Initiative International Women's Development Agency International Youth Foundation (Global Alliance for Workers and Communities) IPAS Italian Centre for Aid to Children / Centro Italiano Aiuti all'Infanzia
J Japan International Volunteer Center
K Komitee Twee of the Netherlands
L Landmine Survivors Network LCMS World Mission Lepra Stichting Netherlands Leprosy Relief Living Values Education Program Loreto Viet Nam - Australia Program
M Malteser International Marie Stopes International Vietnam Maryknoll Medecins du Monde - France Medecins du Monde Canada Medical & Scientific Aid for Vietnam, Laos & Cambodia Medical Education, Development Resources International Exchange Medisch Comite Nederland Viet Nam Mennonite Central Committee Mines Advisory Group
N Netherlands Development Organization Nordic Assistance to Viet Nam Norwegian Mission Alliance Norwegian Red Cross in Viet Nam
O ORBIS International Oxfam Great Britain Oxfam Hong Kong Oxfam Quebec Oxfam Solidarity Belgium
P Pact PATH Canada Path USA Pathfinder International Peace Trees Vietnam Pearl S. Buck International, Inc. Plan POLICY Project Vietnam Population Council Population Services International/Vietnam Project Vietnam Inc. Prosthetics Outreach Foundation
Q Quaker Service - American Friends Service Committee
R Resource Exchange
S Samaritan's Purse International Relief Save the Children Australia Save the Children Fund United Kingdom Save the Children Japan Save the Children Sweden Save the Children USA Singapore International Foundation Solidarity Service International / Solidaritaetsdienst International e.V. Southeast Asian Relief Spanish Red Cross Swiss Foundation for Technical Cooperation
T Terre des hommes Foundation - Lausanne The Affiliate Foundation The Alliance for Safe Children The Association of Medical Doctors of Asia - Viet Nam The Macfarland Burnet Institute for Medical Research and Public Health The Netherlands Red Cross The World Conservation UNI0N TRAFFIC International in Indochina Triangle Generation Humanitaire TRIAS VZW Tropenbos International - Viet Nam
U Unity and Cooperation for the Development of People
V VECO Vietnam Viet Nam Assistance for the Handicapped Viet Nam Children's Fund Viet Nam Health, Education, and Literature Projects Viet Nam Plus Viet Nam Veterans Memorial Fund Viet Nam Veterans of America Foundation Viet Nam Veterans of California Villes en Transition Voluntary Service Overseas Volunteer Group of Trento Volunteer Service Abroad New Zealand Volunteers For Peace Volunteers in Asia Volunteers International
W World Concern Vietnam World Population Foundation/ Stichting Wereld en Bevolking World University Service of Canada / Entraide Universitaire Mondiale du Canada World Village Foundation World Vision International WorldWide Fund for Nature
Y Youth with a Mission - Mercy, Relief and Development Asia